Online Booking

Single-trip travel insurance

  1. Travel data
  2. Offer
  3. Your Data
  4. Check
  5. Confirmation

Travel data

When does your trip begin and end?
Who is travelling?

A family is deemed to be a maximum of two adults with accompanying children under the age of 21 (21st birthday), irrespective of the family relationship or place of residence - a total of up to 7 persons.

Child = up to the 21st birthday (at the time the cover is taken out)
How much does your trip cost?

To calculate your premium, we need to know the price of your trip. Please add all costs incurred during your trip, e.g. hotel, flight, car rental costs, etc.

Please note that the basic package covers a trip price up to CHF 25,000 (individuals) or CHF 50,000 (families). In the premium package, the maximum trip price is CHF 20,000 (for individuals and families).

If your booking documents only give the total price
If your booking documents give the price per person

Product Information